
There are a variety of philosophies, artistic processes, and theatrical approaches to creating plays and drama. Some are connected to political or spiritual ideologies, and some are based on purely "artistic" concerns. Some processes focus on a story, some on theatre as event, and some on theatre as catalyst for social change.


  • give new points of view about “old truths”
  • show the emptiness and pain included in such lifestyle
  • give us deeper knowledge of the real effect of violent behaviour
  • reveal the whole rainbow of human life
  • introduce the idea of responsibility, which we all share
  • reveal that in a battle there are always
  • suffering victims – and that the winners are victims and suffer, too convince that life is co-operation and we all need each others. Teaches children important values, such as commitment and dedication. Most importantly, theater teaches children how to grow into the adults that they want to become. It helps them learn to accept others as well. For these reasons, theater is essential for all schools.

Self Confidence

Being part of a play shows children that there are people who appreciate them. Theater helps build up self-esteem with each round of applause the performers receive.

Public Speaking

Public speaking can be a huge problem for someone too shy or someone who lacks confidence. Being part of the theater can help a child to move past her shyness and develop proper public speaking skills.


Theatre brings out a child's creativity in a way that no sport can. This newly discovered creativity can help improve a child's reading and math skills by teaching her to open up her mind. If a child is playing a math whiz, she may become more interested in math as part of her research and characterization.


Being part of a theater program is a great way to teach a child about commitment. When a child is involved in the production of a play, he'll realize that there are many others who are depending on him. He has duties that must be fulfilled, or he will let his co-stars and co-workers down.


Theater requires a lot of dedication. A child must learn his lines and memorize stage blocking. Dedication is an important skill that is always used in the real world. Children learn this the moment they participate in a play production.